Tuesday, August 14, 2007
Jávea Computer Club raises more money for Cancer care, Jávea
On June 7th 2007 Christine Betterton-Jones (right) presented 100 Euros on behalf of the Jávea Computer Club to Jean Booth of Cancer Care, Jávea (left). This money was raised through the auction of a donated desktop PC which had been refurbished and tested by the Club's Hardware Special Interest Group.
Since then we have raised another 205 Euros from the sale of second hand bits and pieces which had been donated to the Club .
Over the summer the Hardware group has been refurbishing more old(ish) PCs for auction to members. All proceeds of the auctions will go to "Cancer Care, Jávea" which is the Club's nominated charity for this year (June to June).
Members of the Club will also help Cancer Care to set up a website to inform the public about the charity's valuable support for cancer sufferers in this region. Members who wish to lend their time and expertise to this project are asked to contact the Club.