Sunday, July 15, 2007

Ubuntu / Kubuntu talk - July 26th

A message from Keith Scott...

"Just an update on the Kubuntu Linux operating system.

It is now installed on one of my laptops as a dual-boot with Vista.
Works fine and sets up a menu to boot Vista and Kubuntu.

I now have a dedicated Linux laptop set up including Kubuntu 3-D which will be shown on Thursday 26th July at the JCC.
Undoubtedly the best Linux yet with thousands of free programs installable via a graphic Add/Remove Programs utility similar to Windows."

Come and see this free alternative to Windows at work at the Club at 11.00 am on Thursday July 26th

Tuesday, July 03, 2007


The next Beginners Course starts on the Tuesday 18 September and runs, every Tuesday morning, until 6 November. It will be a similar format as the last Course ie as a separate SIGs Group. We will cover the operating system and the Internet. Only sign up for the course if you are able to attend the majority of the sessions.

Numbers are limited so come to the Club and sign up as soon as possible. Some members may have new computers with Vista operating system installed, so when you sign up, please advise which operating system you have.

Mike Easter, Membership Secretary